Overall we’ve had a good week at camp with good numbers of fish in the book. The weather warmed up considerably on Tuesday and the last few days have been hot and sunny with temperatures in the high 20’s and very humid, not the best fishing conditions. We continue to have great fishing but the last few days have been more of a challenge due to the sunny and hot days. Mornings and evenings are the time to fish when it gets hot.
Congratulations to Dayl Walker for landing the biggest one of the week, well done Dayl
The Bonaventure continues to produce very well and the water temperatures are still pretty cool for this time of the season, especially in the upper sections of the river. Water levels on the Bonaventure are exactly where they should be for this time of the season running at about 20 Cubic meters per second. The cooler than normal weather is great for fishing and its maintaining our water temperatures in the 50 degree range, a little cooler than normal which is great. Fishing on the Bony has been great since the beginning of June and continues to produce good numbers of fish every day.
Leigh Walker with a nice Bonaventure grilse, congratulations Leigh
We are also having a good season on the Petite Cascapedia, our guides are seeing plenty of fresh salmon in almost all the pools. The Petite Cascapedia is also doing very well, the water flow is slightly low at about 15 Cubic Meters per second. The temperature is also excellent in the 50 degree range, just like the bony perfect for the end of July. Salmon runs on the Petite have been great with plenty of fresh run salmon this past week.
Bev Anderson and Salmon Lodge master guide Clement Bernier, nice one Bev !
The Grand is also doing well but we could use a couple of rainy days to bump the water levels a bit. Considering the weather, we had another great week on the Grand. The conditions this past week have given us more of a challenge but we’re still catching them everyday. Fishing on the Grand Cascapedia remains excellent, like the Bonaventure we are having a great run of salmon on the Grand Cascapedia. Water conditions and temperatures couldn’t be better. The flow is normal for mid to end July running at about 20 Cubic meters per second.
The Petite Cascapedia holds some big salmon, just need to get them to take.
The hot fly’s for the week have been a mixture of dry’s and small wets. Free floating Dry’s continue to be the big producer, our anglers are fishing more with dry fly’s than anything else, there’s nothing like sight fishing for big salmon in clear water. Small wets have also been responsible for a good number of fish as well.
The crystal Bonaventure , a sight casters paradise !
The fly’s of choice – Green, Brown and Blue bombers with brown hackle and white wings and tail. In the wet fly department, the John Olin, Green Butt and Silver Rat did the job, the Green Machine is catching up pretty quickly as one of the best fly’s. The John Olin and Green machine were the winners on the Petite. The sizes that are working best are number 8’s 10’s and 12’s.
Until next week,
Tight Lines,