River Report

Camp Bonaventure Fishing Report August 6th to 12th, 2012

A I am writing this latest weekly report, the sound of heavy rain beating off the roof is sure a welcome sound. After almost three weeks of hot and sunny weather we are finally getting the rain we need. Granted the weather has been horrible for fishing, we have not had a bad couple of weeks. The Bonaventure and Petite Cascapedia are still in good condition both for water levels and temperature. The Grand Cascapedia however was getting low and a bit warm as well. The Grand should really profit from the rain.


Brian Walker with a fresh run Bonaventure salmon!

Despite the lower water conditions our fishing had help up remarkably well. The fly’s of choice this past week have been Bombers –  Green, Brown and Blue. The  wets that have been working well are the John Olin, Nagli and Undertaker. Small hitched tubes also were responsible for a number of fine fish.