River Report

Camp Bonaventure Fishing Report – June 10th to 16th, 2013

Simply put, great conditions and great fishing. This past week was the perfect week to spend at a salmon camp. Our salmon are running strong and our fishermen and fisher-women are all catching and having a wonderful time. After a very rainy beginning to the season we are now back to normal water conditions in all our rivers. Water temperatures have risen and we’re beginning to catch a number on dry’s, always a favorite especially in crystal clear water.  We now have fish in all our high and medium water pools and the numbers are increasing daily. Every evening we”ve been seeing good numbers of fresh fish jumping in our pool in front of the lodge, fresh silver bullets on their way up. The Petite Cascapedia opened on Saturday, it’s always a little later than the Bony and the Grand. The Petite is also seeing fish early this year and a number of the pools are holding good fish. The Petite Cascapedia is a smaller river but the fish are huge!  This week sure belonged to the ladies at both Camp Bonaventure and at Salmon Lodge, high rod for the week was Holly Hougton at Camp Bonaventure  and at Salmon Lodge Georgia Wells of Ohio. 

Holly with Camp Bonaventure guide Marc Poirier as they release a nice 25 pound salmon!

In last weeks report I mentioned everyone who had caught fish, unfortunalty or rather fortunatly this week the numbers are too many to mention, salmon landed or lost.  The good news is that everyone earned bragging right this week.

Alex & Anne Hawkins, this is his first Atlantic Salmon, congratulations Alex! 

The hot fly’s for this week. At the head of the pack was the Stone Ghost followed closely by the Picasse. Tube fly’s tied on 3/4 and 1 inch tubes also did the job. The best colors were anything with Green, Black or Blue. Dry fly’s are really starting to work well, bombers in Green, Dark Brown and Blue were deadly.

Wright Palmer and Camp Bonaventure guide Bruno LePage with one of many for the week, nicely done Wright.

We are looking forward to this coming week, the full moon is on Sunday. Our big tides should begin on Wednesday brining in a big run of fresh salmon.

Tight Lines,
