Another month has come and gone in the blink of an eye. We welcome August with open arms and excitement to see if we will truly be able to welcome out American guests in Camp. As things stand right now, our government will be easing the travel restrictions on August 9th for our American friends and then again for international travellers on September 7th! A reunion with you all is much needed whether it be this year or next, we look forward to welcoming you all back home to 3Camps.
Camp Bonaventure had the pleasure of welcoming back many wonderful guests this past week as well as some new faces! With the lodge almost full all week, it felt like old times. Laughter filled the camp; Stories were told till all hours of the night and Memories were made that will last a lifetime! We look forward to welcoming you all back next season! Thank you for trusting us with your vacation!
For our August and September guests who are travelling into Canada, please keep an eye on your emails as I have sent an update on the protocols and will do so again as we receive any new and pertinent information. Also please feel free to contact us at any time whether you have some questions about your reservation or are perhaps looking to fit another fishing trip into your plans this season. We have some wonderful dates that remain available!
The Club on the Bonaventure had the pleasure of welcoming back Marie Benoit and Michel Arvisais this week for a short but absolutely wonderful trip! You are both such an absolute joy to have back at The Club. We loved every moment spent with you. Looking forward to next year already! In the picture above, we have our wonderful guide Charles who is tying a fly while Marie and Michel have their lunch. Hopefully it’ll be a lucky one!
Now let’s get to talking fishing. This week was yet another successful one for our guests at 3Camps. The weather was a nice mix of humid hot days, rainy evenings and some cloudy cool days. The rain received mid-week helped keep out rivers at levels that are considered average for this time of year. The Bonaventure River began and ended its week flowing at 11 cubic meter per second. The Petite Cascapedia River began its week around 11 cubic meters per second and ended flowing close to 16. Both the Petite and the Bonnie had a nice bump with the rain received on the 27th-28th. The Grand Cascapedia fluctuated the most this past week. It began its week flowing at 13.52 cubic meters per second and then got a rise with the rain received on the 28th up to 27.33 and then again rose to 60 cubic meters per second on August 1st.
Unfortunately, Salmon Lodge was closed this week due the Covid travel restrictions that remain in place at this time. To our guests that we could not host this week, please know that you are all truly missed by every member of our team and we look forward to welcoming you all back next season!
Our guests landed some beautiful salmon this week along with a good number of spunky grilse. The most productive flies were dry flies the past few days. Small little light blue or light brown pattern dries got the job done!
Until next week, here’s to healthy, happiness and tight lines