The last week of July has been no doubt the toughest week of the season. Hot and sunny weather combined with falling water conditions are making the fishing more difficult. The rain we received last week certainly helped but we would surely welcome a shower or two in the coming days. Granted we are experiencing July conditions, we still managed to take a good number of nice fish this past week. We are still catching fish but having to work a little harder.
The Bonaventurte has plenty of water thanks to a good rain last week, The Petite Cascapedia is still holding its own. The Grand Cascapedia, especially the branches could use a good downpour.
Leonard Presutti with a nice Petite Cascapedia salmon, congradulations Leonard!
This weeks fly’s of choice have been dry’s, Blue, Brown and Green Bombers in sized 2,4 and 6. Wets and small tubes were responsible for a number of nice salmon as well. The Green Highlander, Blue Charm and John Olin kept us in the game.