Just another great week to be at camp! Our fishing keeps getting better and better. It’s just one of those year you dream about, perfect water levels, just the right amount of rain and loads of salmon. So far everything about 2015 has been great lets hope it continues. Along with last week’s rain the new moon gave us the high tides to bring another run of fresh salmon. Combined it was the recipe for a wonderful week of fishing! Everybody at camp landed salmon, needless to say we had a group of very happy anglers.
Barbara Crook and Salmon Lodge guide Reg Cyr put a nice one back, congratulations Barbara!
The rain last week maintained our rivers at perfect levels. The Bonaventure is at a great level and the water temperatures are perfect, especially for dry fly fishing. The bony literally has fish in ever pool and our lower pools continue to produce fish on a daily basis. The Petite Cascapedia is fishing very well and we haven’t missed in over a week. Fresh fish are running and most of the pools are holding good numbers of fresh salmon. The Grand Cascapedia is fishing very well and the rain has maintained water levels and temperatures.. So far it’s been a great season at both our lodges. We are looking forward to another great week on the river. With the nunber of salmon we have August and September should be excellent.
Mary Vandusen with Salmon Lodge guide Larry D on the Grand Cascapedia, Nice one Mary!
First time salmon angler Dayl Walker with Salmon Lodge guide Clement Bernier, Congratulations Dayl !
The ammunition of choice this week were bombers, especially the Green and Dark Brown patterns. Wets also did very well and the top ones for the week were the Nagli, Silver Rat and blue charm Davie McPhail’s piglet patterns are out of tis world, not only do they look great the sure can catch fish.
Salmon Lodge was pleased to host the 2nd annual “Salmon Sisters” fishing trip. The ladies had a wonderful time and caught their share of salmon as well ! Needless to say the guides also enjoyed the week!
Our 2016 season is filling up very quickly and almost all our guests have re-booked their same dates. I will be posting the few availabilities I have both for Camp Bonaventure and Salmon Lodge over the next few days. If you see anything that interest you, just give me a call.
So many fly’s not enough time!
Until next week,
Tight Lines,